Sunday, July 31, 2011

Flexible spaces: facilitating learning through room design

“Widen the space of your tent, extend the curtains of your home, do not hold back! Lengthen your ropes, make your tent-pegs firm.” Isaiah 54:2

Some things to consider when organising learning spaces:

o carefully consider the cognitive stage of students, the skills being developed, the curriculum content and the teaching strategies employed;

o learning spaces aim to facilitate the gathering of students to communicate about a topic and focus on it. Spaces should be conducive to learning, working together in small group settings and supportive to learning, e.g. easy access to knowledge and time in the day to practise what the student is learning with someone they know and trust;

o display work created by and of interest to the students: it serves as a reminder to recall what has been learnt and prompts reflecting on what has been achieved. It also leads to ideas being expanded and interests being pursued;

o displays communicate to visiting teachers and parents and assist them to know what is happening in the learning lives of the class;

o spaces should accommodate different energy levels. Physical space and time should include places and time for quiet independent learning as well as the buzz of explaining and discussing;

o student materials, equipment and books should be stored in an orderly way which is easily accessed;

o the repetitive appearance of the same resource material promotes in-depth exploration, e.g. Maths equipment, reading books and “Godly Play” resources should be a regular part of group rotations in the respective learning area;

o some other materials are used periodically so as to expand the learning experiences. Reintroducing equipment from the students’ past e.g. MAB can also inspire fresh uses;

o allow students opportunities to explore ideas, to remember, to transform understanding, discuss thoughts, socially interact and imagine;

o as it is also the teachers main work space it should be welcoming to the teacher and inspiring even a place that you can enjoy being in.

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